Early Childhood Music Program.

For the past 6 years, I have taken the knowledge and love that I have for music, creativity, and imagination and used it to lead and develop the Early Childhood Music program at the Penrith Conservatorium. Teaching young children can come with various challenges and unexpected changes in direction, however the overarching take away from teaching little musicians is always joy. If you are unsure if these classes might be a good fit for your child, or would like to chat more about the program, please feel free to get in touch.

La La Lambs - 18 months to 3 years

These classes are designed to introduce young children to some fundamental musical concepts, in an environment that ensures they associate musical activities with fun and enjoyment. Both routine and repetition are essential to these classes, so that children are able to build their confidence, become comfortable joining in and learn within a different social environment.

Musical Monkeys - 3 - 5 years

A little more of the musical world is introduced in these classes, with more involved activities, songs, and games. Students are encouraged to get involved in the singing, with responses, and following instructions. The atmosphere of these classes is usually a lot of fun, and very high energy. Structure is still important too, but independence is encouraged if students are becoming comfortable with this. Even though they are still quite young, essential skills required to undertake music lessons long term are also introduced where appropriate - listening, discipline, and never giving up!